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The price of Acetone in June 2023 was $743 per ton (FOB, Thailand), representing a 2.7% increase compared to the previous month.
The price of Potassium Hydroxide in South Africa, CIF, was $1,277 per ton in May 2023, showing a decrease of -22.9% compared to the previous month.
In April 2023, the price of Adipic Acid was $1,827 per ton (CIF, Spain), which decreased by -8.2% compared to the previous month.
As of April 2023, the price of colloidal precious metals in Germany, on a free on board (FOB) basis, reached $11.3M per ton, experiencing a significant surge of 27% compared to the previous month.
In April 2023, the price of Ethylene Oxide was $1,436 per ton (CIF Spain), representing a 5% increase compared to the previous month.
The price of Amino Resin in April 2023 was $2,577 per ton (FOB, Netherlands), indicating a 4.9% increase compared to the previous month.
In April 2023, the price of Disperse Dye reached $12,603 per ton (CIF, Mexico), registering a significant increase of 38% compared to the previous month.
The price for Silicates in June 2023 was $1,007 per ton (FOB, Thailand), showing a significant increase of 70% compared to the previous month.
The price of Ammonium Chloride in May 2023 was $424 per ton (CIF, Australia), showing a 15% increase compared to the previous month.
In March 2023, the price of Prepared Additives For Cements was $1,380 per ton (CIF, India), representing a 2.7% increase from the previous month.
The price of Potassium Nitrate, CIF Qatar, decreased by 5.5% to $1,484 per ton in March 2023 compared to the previous month.
In March 2023, the price of Phenylacetic Acid reached $18,451 per ton (CIF, Turkey), showing a decrease of -10.1% compared to the previous month.