U.S. Primary Battery Price Soars 21% to $297 per Thousand Units
Mar 29, 2023
This article provides data on the primary battery import prices and imports in the United States in January 2023. The primary battery price stood at $297 per thousand units (CIF, US), rising by 21% against the previous month, and the most prominent rate of growth was recorded in February 2022 when the average import price increased by 25% against the previous month. In terms of primary battery imports, approximately 374M units of primary batteries were imported into the United States; increasing by 9.4% against the month before. China constituted the largest primary battery supplier to the United States, with a 53% share of total imports in January 2023. The largest primary battery suppliers to the United States were China ($32M), Singapore ($31M) and Japan ($8.7M), together accounting for 64% of total imports.