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The price of Paraformaldehyde in June 2023 was $929 per ton (CIF, Thailand), which remained relatively stable compared to the previous month.
Exports of Acetic Acid declined significantly to $21M in June 2023 in terms of value.
In May 2023, the Ink price dropped by 18.7% to $96,731 per ton (CIF, Germany) compared to the previous month.
In June 2023, the sulphites price reached $330 per ton (FOB, China), indicating a decrease of -12.2% compared to the previous month.
Exports of Sodium Carbonate decreased to $180M in June 2023.
In June 2023, the price of Dichloromethane was $718 per ton (CIF, Thailand), representing an 8.8% increase compared to the previous month.
In June 2023, the price of Roasted Iron Pyrites was $220 per ton (FOB, South Africa), representing a 40% increase from the previous month.
As of May 2023, the price of Ethylene Oxide was $1,393 per ton (FOB, Netherlands), showing a decline of -4.3% compared to the previous month.
In June 2023, the price of Thiosulphates was $496 per ton (CIF, Australia), showing a decrease of -18.7% compared to the previous month.
The soap price in June 2023 was $2,496 per ton (FOB, Thailand), which was approximately the same as the previous month.
In June 2023, the price of Polycarboxylic Acid was $937 per ton (CIF, India), which was similar to the previous month.
In June 2023, the price of Silicates was $468 per ton (CIF, South Africa), showing a decrease of 5.9% compared to the previous month.