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As of May 2023, the price of Acetic Acid stood at $462 per ton (CIF, Thailand), remaining stable from the previous month.
In March 2023, the rennet price reached $7,521 per ton (CIF, United Kingdom), experiencing a 2.9% increase compared to the previous month.
In May 2023, the polyamide price reached $3,510 per ton (CIF, Thailand), which was similar to the previous month.
In April 2023, the Paint and Varnish price in Spain (FOB) increased by 5.8% to $4,396 per ton compared to the previous month.
Imports of Hydrogen Peroxide decreased to $1.3M in June 2023 in terms of value.
Exports of Insecticide witnessed a minor decline to $152M in June 2023 in terms of value.
The price of Epoxide Resin in March 2023 was $3,766 per ton (CIF, Turkey), showing a 2% decrease compared to the previous month.
Chlorides exports reached a noteworthy $20M in May 2023 in terms of value.
The price of Aniline Derivatives reached $3,877 per ton (CIF, Japan) in April 2023, showing a 39% increase compared to the previous month.
In terms of value, exports of Methyl Isobutyl Ketone surged to $1.5 million in May 2023.
The price of Talcum Powder in April 2023 remained consistent at $79,535 per ton (FOB, France) compared to the previous month.
In May 2023, the Lysine price in South Africa was $905 per ton (CIF), experiencing a decrease of 25.2% compared to the previous month.