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Antimony prices were recorded at $11,442 per ton (CIF, Brazil) in March 2023, which is a -2.6% decrease compared to the previous month.
In April 2023, the antimony price stood at $8,598 per ton (CIF, US), waning by -4.8% against the previous month.
Antimony prices in February 2023 stood at $12,368 per ton, up 7.6% month-on-month (FOB China).
In November 2022, the antimony price amounted to $13.9 per kg (CIF, Spain), which is down by -4.4% against the previous month.
In September 2022, the antimony price amounted to $12.6 per kg (FOB, China), remaining constant against the previous month.
In value terms, antimony imports stood at $X in 2016. Overall, antimony imports continue to indicate a mild descent. Over the period under review, global antimony imports attained its maximum level...
In value terms, antimony exports totaled $X in 2016. Overall, antimony exports continue to indicate a slight descent. Over the period under review, global antimony exports attained its maximum leve...
The global trade in antimony amounted to X million USD in 2015, showing tremendous fluctuations over the period under review. A X% drop in 2009 was followed by a spike above the pre-recession peak in the following year. Exports of antimony continued