Top Global Import Markets for Tyres
Oct 8, 2023
The tyre industry has witnessed significant growth over the years, driven by the increasing demand for automobiles and the expanding global automotive industry. As a result, tire manufacturers around the world are constantly looking to tap into the best import markets for tyres to ensure their products reach a wider audience. The IndexBox Market Intelligence Platform provides comprehensive and up-to-date data on global trade, including import values, market trends, and key statistics. Based on the data sourced from the IndexBox platform, we have compiled a list of the top 10 countries with the highest import values for tyres in 2022. The United States takes the top spot with an import value of $18.7 billion in 2022, followed by Germany and France. Emerging economies like Mexico, Canada, and Australia also contribute significantly to the import market for tyres. The IndexBox market intelligence platform delivers valuable insights into these markets, helping manufacturers and traders make informed decisions and capitalize on the opportunities available.